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Salt Cay Animal Donation Fund
"Water for Life"

Salt Cay Donkeys
Donkeys on Salt Cay were brought to the island by Bermudians in the 15th century when they came to rake salt. The animals were used to haul the salt from the salinas to small boats that would take the salt to waiting ships. Then, they were left to forage on their own until needed during the next salt raking season. When the Salt Industry stopped around 1960 the animals were left behind. Today you can find them roaming freely on these islands.

Their source of survival is the sparce vegetation and 2 water sources from the "old days" , a water hole and a cow well. Otherwise they rely mainly on rainfall collecting in puddles and hollowed out rocks. 

These sources need cleaning and maintenance.

Your Donation 

Thank you for your contribution! We hope you will come visit one day and see the animals thriving.


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Donations through this form are via PayPal. For credit card payments please contact me and I will give you a call to accept it over the phone.
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